[HTA] How to hide the CMD prompt on HTA Script ?

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[HTA] How to hide the CMD prompt on HTA Script ?

Post by hackoo »

Hi !
I wonder if there are any tricks or tips can be done to hide the CMD prompt when I execute this HTA script?
Thank you !


set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

sub traceroute
cmdarg="%comspec% /c tracert.exe " & T1.value
set objExCmd = objShell.Exec(cmdarg)


Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[fnrv]+"
regEx.Global = True
regEx.Multiline = True
strOut = regEx.Replace(strOut, "")
TraceOut.innerHTML= strOut
end sub

Traceroute HTA by Paul R. Sadowski (11/2001)

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