netsh wlan add

Batch, ASP, JScript, Kixtart, etc.
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netsh wlan add

Post by casaestrada »

I have an HTA that I am trying to modify which will allow my staff to simply select a location via check and then using sub wireless will automatically load the xml from a network drive. Problem is I can do this via vbs and bat but from hta i cant get the correct parameters to work. Any ideas?? Should I map drive first or argghhhh - I'm stuck.

Code: Select all

<br />Sub Wireless
<br />SET WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
<br />WSHShell.Run "Netsh wlan add profile filename="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xml" user=all >>C:xxxxx.txt
<br /> Msgbox "Installing xxxxx Wireless"
<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; End If
<br />
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